Pure Earth

▲ Photo from Pure Earth
Pure Earth works to identify and eliminate sources of lead poisoning in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) through innovative research, policy advocacy, and direct intervention. Their work has already influenced major policy changes and demonstrated remarkable success in reducing lead exposure across multiple countries.
What problem are they trying to solve?
Lead poisoning affects approximately one in three children globally, with severe and lifelong consequences: reduced cognitive skills, increased mental illness, and various other health problems. Despite this staggering scale, many sources of lead exposure in LMICs remain poorly understood and inadequately addressed. Recent research has revealed that beyond well-known sources like paint, significant lead contamination exists in everyday items like cookware, spices, and cosmetics. There is currently very little funding dedicated to uncovering these other sources of lead poisoning in LMICs, despite the possibility that simple solutions—such as modified glazes, adjustments to industrial processes, or targeted policy changes—could prevent significant harm.
What do they do?
Pure Earth works to identify and eliminate sources of lead poisoning through a combination of research, policy work, and practical intervention. They contributed to the reports The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health (2017) and The Toxic Truth (2020), which galvanized attention to the issue of lead contamination. They’ve conducted groundbreaking research to understand contamination sources, including recently completing the first-ever market screening of lead-contaminated consumer products across 25 LMICs. This data is already being used by governments and policy organizations to drive change.
In addition to their research and advocacy work, Pure Earth has country-specific programs that execute direct interventions in highly impacted countries. For example, Pure Earth Bangladesh implements cleanup programs for severely lead-contaminated villages. Pure Earth Mexico trains artisanal potters to produce lead-free pottery, which has since been adopted and successfully replicated by state health authorities.
Why do we recommend them?
Lead poisoning is a neglected cause area, with only about $10 million in international funding per year, even though it costs developing economies nearly $1 trillion. Pure Earth has demonstrated exceptional effectiveness in both research and policy advocacy. Their work has directly led to several major policy victories, including new funding commitments from the U.S. Senate, the development of a USAID initiative to combat lead poisoning, and the establishment of government lead reduction programs in multiple countries. With each intervention potentially affecting millions of people, we estimate that their work is more than 10 times as cost-effective as direct cash transfers.