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Imagine Worldwide: Tanzania

Illustrative image

▲ Photo from Imagine Worldwide

Imagine Worldwide (IW) provides adaptive digital instruction in literacy and mathematics to primary school students across sub-Saharan Africa. Their tablet-based learning program, using the onebillion educational app, has demonstrated remarkable success in improving educational outcomes at an exceptionally low cost per student. IW is now in the process of expanding their program to Tanzania, a strategic investment that could potentially reach 10 million children.

What problem are they trying to solve?

In Tanzania, a national baseline assessment found that only 8% of Standard 2 pupils can read with comprehension in Kiswahili. This crisis in learning stems from overcrowded classrooms and insufficient teacher training, challenges that have been exacerbated by rapid expansion in school enrollment. Traditional interventions struggle to address these systemic issues cost-effectively, particularly given the scale of need across Tanzania's large student population. Without targeted intervention, millions of children risk missing out on crucial foundational learning that will impact their entire educational journey and life prospects.

What do they do?

IW implements a comprehensive digital learning solution that brings together hardware, software, and support systems. They provide solar-powered tablets loaded with the onebillion app, which delivers adaptive instruction in both literacy and numeracy in local languages. Each tablet serves 4-5 students per day and doesn't require internet access, making the solution viable even in remote areas.

Beyond simply distributing technology, IW works closely with local partners to ensure sustainable implementation. They train teachers and government workers to facilitate the learning process, install necessary infrastructure like solar panels, and continuously monitor and evaluate their programs. Their approach emphasizes local ownership and operation, strengthening educational capacity within both NGO partners and the Ministry of Education.

Why do we recommend them?

IW's program stands out for both its rigorous evidence base and exceptional cost-effectiveness. Multiple randomized controlled trials (RCTs) across different contexts have consistently demonstrated the program's impact. Five large RCTs of IW’s programs show effect sizes of over 0.3 standard deviations in learning gains in Tanzania and Malawi. The effectiveness of the onebillion app in Tanzania was also independently validated through the Global Learning X-Prize, where students with minimal previous schooling showed dramatic improvements—the percentage of children able to solve a simple math problem increased from 23% to over 70%, while the percentage of children able to read a sentence in their local language rose from 5% to over 30%.

IW’s cost structure is remarkably efficient—at just £10 per beneficiary, the program delivers approximately 0.3 learning-adjusted years of schooling (LAYS) per student. This makes it about five times more cost-effective than providing preschool in low-income countries. Furthermore, IW has demonstrated their ability to scale effectively while maintaining impact. In neighboring Malawi, they've already reached over 300,000 new children this year and are ahead of schedule in transitioning from philanthropic to World Bank funding.

What would they do with more funding?

Additional funding would enable IW to launch their program across 500 Tanzanian schools, reaching 150,000 students in 2025. This expansion represents the first stage of an ambitious scaling plan that could ultimately reach 10 million children across Tanzania. This funding would cover:

  • Program administration and implementation
  • Solar panel installation for participating schools
  • Tablet procurement and distribution
  • Training for teachers and local staff
  • Monitoring and evaluation systems for continued improvements

Supporting IW's expansion into Tanzania represents a unique opportunity to leverage their proven success in Malawi and accelerate their path to national scale. Their track record suggests they can transition to World Bank and government funding after a relatively brief philanthropic phase, making this an especially high-leverage opportunity to improve educational outcomes across sub-Saharan Africa.

  1. What problem are they trying to solve?
    1. What do they do?
      1. Why do we recommend them?
        1. What would they do with more funding?