▲ Image from Unsplash.
Year-end giving deadlines 2024
Please consult the tables below for contributions into and grants from your Founders Pledge DAF to land before the end of 2024.
If you have questions, reach out to your Community Manager or Advisor.
Don't have a Founders Pledge DAF yet? Get in touch with your Community Manager ASAP to open one and start making transactions in 2024.
Contributions into your DAF
Please note, while all contributions received by the deadlines below will be credited in 2024, you may not receive your receipt until January 2025. Some brokers have their own deadlines for processing transfer requests; please plan accordingly.
All assets (including cash, public shares & crypto) | Must be received by December 31st 2024*. *We recommend initiating contributions as soon as possible, especially non-cash gifts. |
Checks | Must be postmarked by December 31st 2024 if sent by standard mail. Must be received by Founders Pledge offices by December 31st 2024 if sent via carrier. |
Illiquid, private securities & complex assets | Please let us know ASAP. Timelines may vary by asset, but due diligence can take 6-8 weeks or more in some cases. |
Grants from your DAF
You can submit grants from your DAF at any time, but the below deadlines are intended to ensure they reach your chosen charities in the current calendar year. Please note, grant processing times are subject to the nature of the request, due diligence, and grantee responsiveness.
All domestic grants* | Must be requested by December 10th 2024. *Grants are domestic if made within your DAF jurisdiction (e.g. if you have a US DAF & are granting to a US charity) |
International grants* to Founders Pledge recommendations | Must be requested by December 10th 2024. *Grants are international if made outside your DAF jurisdiction (e.g. if you have a US DAF & are granting to a UK charity) |
International grants* to all other charities | Must be requested by December 1st 2024. *Grants are international if made outside your DAF jurisdiction (e.g. if you have a US DAF & are granting to a UK charity) |