Claire has a professional background in marketing and communications, with a wealth of experience in the health and tech sectors.
Claire also owns her own business and is as a yoga teacher and somatic coach.
Outside of work, you'll find her either on a yoga retreat, or hiking with her husband and German Shepherd dog, Loki.
She loves to read (generally four of five books on the go any given time of all genres), and she also has a guilty pleasure for TV quiz shows—her personal mission is to be on The Wheel!
Q&A with Claire
Q: If you could choose anyone famous (real or fictional) to have dinner with who would they be and why?
James Acaster - I'm a huge fan of the 'Off Menu' podcast and I'd love to have dinner with the actual genie waiter.
Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A dog trainer - and whilst I didn't follow this career path - I feel like I am vicariously living it with my 50kg German Shepherd!!
Q: If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
Genre would be a 'coming of age' uplifting, adventure story - and apparently I've got a look of Amy Adams, so let's go with her.